I enjoy creating recipes with unusual ingredients. One of my first posts was datil pepper key lime hot wings. I feel it's time to revisit datil peppers again. Datil peppers are native to the St. Augustine area. I have been trying to grow them for years. Hurricanes and other disasters always seem to destroy my plants. This year I have a plant that is producing peppers. Datils are a very hot fruity pepper. A very little bit goes a long way. A word of CAUTION, wear gloves when handling, and never touch you eyes with the gloves. This recipe uses one small, 3/4 inch long pepper. Ingredients: 1 datil pepper 1 Heirloom tomato 1/2 small white onion 1 ear of corn 1 bell pepper (any color) 1/4 cup cilantro 1 to 2 tablespoons key lime juice On a medium hot grill place all the ingredients except the cilantro. I like to use a little oak for added smokeiness. Grill, turning frequently, until all the vegetables are grill marked and well roasted. Diced the ve...